
Wildness alaskan cold beer Our distinctive cold fermentation process takes advantage of the frigid temperatures of Alaska.  This yields a beer that is refreshingly crisp, and bodly infused with a pioneering spirit. awards Recent 2024 European Beer Star Awards – Bronze Medal: English-Style Golden Ale Wildness flavor profile WILDNESS is an approachable, easy-drinking everyday beer, […]

Juneau Juice

juneau juice This unfiltered IPA is a glowing medium gold, with a hazy appearance reminiscent of a lazy summer day in Juneau, AK. Ripe pineapple, fresh tangerine and pine resin abound in the aroma, with a host of other tropical and stone fruit flavors. Juneau Juice is all about bright and succulent hop character. awards […]

Husky IPA

HUSKY IPA american ipa This IPA has brilliant clarity and exhibits tropical and stone fruit flavors with aromas of tangerine and papaya. awards Recent 2022 Australian International Beer Awards – Bronze Medal: American Style India Pale Ale= 2021 Australian International Beer Awards – Silver Medal: New World IPA flavor profile This IPA has brilliant clarity […]

Freeride Pale Ale

freeride pale ale pale ale Arguably the style that triggered the craft beer movement in the United States, the American Pale Ale showcases the floral, fruity, and citrusy aroma and flavors of Pacific Northwest hops in balance with a medium malt body. awards Recent 2013 US Open Beer Championship—Gold: American Pale Ale flavor profile Alaskan Freeride […]

Icy Bay IPA

Icy Bay IPA India Pale Ale India Pale Ales are characterized by intense hop flavor and aroma accompanied with medium maltiness and body while also being crisp and dry. awards Recent 2012 Australian International Beer Awards – Silver Medal: American Style Strong Pale Ale World Beer Cup – Bronze Medal: American Style Strong Pale Ale 2011 Los […]


pilsner pilsner-style ale It’s been said that Pilsners represent the high art of brewing. Named for the region of the Czech Republic known as Pilsen, this style of beer is considered both challenging to brew by brewmasters across the world and an easy to drink beer that delights beer drinkers everywhere. flavor profile The Alaskan […]


amber alt-style ale The name of this beer style comes from the German word “alt” meaning “old”. This refers to the aging that alts undergo since they ferment more slowly and at colder temperatures than most ales. Slow fermentation helps condition the flavors in Alaskan Amber, contributing to its overall balance and smoothness. awards Recent […]


white belgian-style witbier Based on the traditional style of Kölsch beer brewed in Cologne, Germany. awards 2011 Los Angeles County Fair—Bronze: Herb and Spice Beer   Denver International Beer Competition—Bronze: Witbiers 2010 Great Arizona Beer Festival Awards—Third: Best of Festival 2009 European Beer Star Awards—Silver: Herb and Spice Beer US Open Beer Championship—Silver: Belgian Witbier West Coast […]


Kölsch Kölsch-style ale Based on the traditional style of Kölsch beer brewed in Cologne, Germany. awards Recent 2023 Brewers Guild of Alaska Awards – Silver Medal: Golden/Blonde/Other Light Ale 2017 LA International Beer Competition – Bronze Medal: Golden/Blonde Ale 2015 LA International Beer Competition – Gold Medal: Golden/Blonde Ale 2012 West Coast Brew Fest—Silver: Mixed Los […]